

September 17 2018
Open Call: Apply for a subsidy to attend an EU event

We would like to inform you that the LIFE National Contact Point, under the Project CAP LIFE14/CY/000006 Cyclamen Capacity Building, invite interested parties to request a subsidy for participating in an EU event (conference, workshop, seminar, networking event, etc.) about environment and climate change.


The aim of the participation is to facilitate the exchange of experience and best practices with other EU Member States, with the purpose of enhancing the diffusion of project results (possible reproducibility and marketisation) at national and EU level, so as to boost potential reproducibility and lead to the submission of new LIFE Proposals.


The subsidy


The Programme subsidises the participation of one person per institution/organisation for traveling in another EU Member State and will cover travel costs (subsistence and travel expenses) as well as a participation fee, if applicable (maximum €1500 per person).


Requests for participation


Eligible bodies to apply for this funding are, Cypriot entities that have already benefited or are benefiting from the LIFE Programme or LIFE+, as well as Cypriot bodies interested in submitting a proposal under the 2019 LIFE Call, and which wish to attend an EU event.


Interested parties should submit a request that includes:

  • Profile of eligible body
  • The reasons why they have chosen the specific event and the expected benefits
  • A brief description of their mature idea that is to be submitted under the LIFE Call


Click here to request the subsidy.


Note: The interested parties should have in mind the time required to receive the necessary permits before the event.


In order to receive their subsidy, the participants should, upon their return, submit a brief report on their participation to the event, along with the completed Annex II form for Traveling Overseas, attaching the original invoices or receipts.


Selection criteria


The selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Proven maturity stage of an idea or LIFE Proposal
  • Expected results
  • Whether the Proposal falls within the priorities of the LIFE Programme.


For any questions or clarifications email or call 22408919.


There are only a limited number of subsidies and will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis!