

April 15 2020
How to write a LIFE Proposal: Stakeholders and Target Audience

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This is a video on How to write a LIFE proposal. Part of a series of videos aiming at helping you to write a well written proposal under the LIFE Programme.


In this video we will talk about the stakeholders and target audience of your proposed project.


To start with, let’s see the definition of the stakeholder and the target audience.


The term “Stakeholders” refers to entities that could be organisations, authorities, persons, groups of persons, NGOs etc. that have an interest in the issue targeted by the project because they could be either benefited from, or affected by the issue the project is tackling.


Proper participation of stakeholders could be achieved through consultation and/or involvement and that should be ensured during the project, depending on the nature of the project.


Important note: Project participants DO NOT have to be listed as stakeholders.


The term “Main target audience” refers to the audience the project activities are targeting and those who could best make use of the project results. These could be sections of the population, category of professionals, type of bodies or organisations, economic players, etc. These audiences must be defined as precisely as possible, meaning both qualitatively and quantitatively, in the proposal and must be linked to the problem addressed by the project.


When selecting the target audience you must justify why it was selected and how it will assist in reaching the project’s objectives. Remember quantitative and qualitative information should be provided wherever possible.




Now that we have clarified the definition of Stakeholders and target audience let’s see how we need to define them in a proposed project.


You should present the stakeholders you intend to involve in the proposed project and how you will be involving them. Moreover you should specify:

  • what kind of input you expect from each one
  • how their involvement will be used, as well as,
  • how this involvement will be useful and/or needed for the project.


Target audience:


Describe target groups for your proposed project and the methods for dissemination of knowledge to them.
Moreover, comment on activities for general publicity and / or marketing of the project’s concept during and after implementation.


Remember to link this information with the actions you foresee in terms of replication and transferability of the results, as well as include qualitative and/or quantitative data on target groups


Don’t forget that the project monitoring activities must include the measurement of the impact of the project’s activities on your target audience or on its behaviour (as appropriate, depending on the nature of the project).


Now let’s go through an example of a LIFE project and see the stakeholders and target audience.


The project comes from Slovenian and it’s called LIFEGENMON – LIFE for EUROPEAN FOREST GENETIC MONITORING SYSTEM.


The main aim of the project is to develop a system for forest genetic monitoring (FGM) to serve as an early-warning system to aid in the assessment of a species’ response to environmental change on a long-term temporal scale.


In the following image we can see the stakeholders, the target audience and the means proposed to involve them.


To sum up, you should define the stakeholders that you intend to involve, how, what kind of input you expect and how their involvement will be used for the benefit of the project. You should also describe your target groups (qualitative and quantitative) and the methods you will use to disseminate the knowledge gained.


Thank you so much for watching. This video was prepared by the Cypriot NCP Team through the LIFE Cyclamen project. With the financial contribution of the LIFE Programme – EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.


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